Riassunto in inglese di the balcony shakespeare

Messaggioda Hjk » 30 gen 2021, 12:46

Richiedo riassunto in inglese, grazie.

Messaggioda sally088 » 12 feb 2021, 16:13

After the ball, Romeo sneaks into the Capulet courtyard and overhears Juliet on her balcony vowing her love to him in spite of her family's hatred of the Montagues. Romeo makes himself known to her. He imagines that Juliet is the sun, rising from the east to banish the night; in effect, he says that she is transforming night into day.

At last they agree to be married


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Messaggioda Eragon » 12 feb 2021, 16:42

grazie Sally ILOVEYOU


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