Riassunto significato San Valentino (in inglese)

Messaggioda Noi111 » 8 nov 2011, 20:36

Valentine's Day (holiday)
The Valentine's Day is a celebration dedicated to love and celebrated in much of the world (especially in Europe, the Americas and the Far East), February 14.
The holiday is named after a Christian saint and martyr Saint Valentine in Terni, and was founded in 496 by Pope Gelasius I, replacing the previous pagan festival of Lupercalia (Roman festival celebrated February 15 in honor of the god Faunus).
The modern practice of celebration of the festival, centered on the exchange of gifts and messages of love between lovers, dates from the early Middle Ages, and in particular could be attributed to the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer (writer, poet, singer, English diplomat and bureaucrat, born and died in London) which took shape in the tradition of courtly love (a term created by the French critic Gaston Peers in 1883 to indicate the philosophical, literary and seentimentale the concept of love, and is based on the concept that "only those who loves has a noble heart ").
Its dissemination, especially in France and England, contributed to the Benedictines, through their numerous monasteries, having been foster the Basilica of Saint Valentine in Terni by the end of the second half of the seventh century.
Especially in the Anglo-Saxon countries the most characteristic feature of the feast of St. Valentine is the exchange of Valentine cards of love is often shaped in the form of stylized hearts or according to other themes typical of the popular depiction of romantic love (the dove, 's image of Cupid with bow and arrow, and so on).
In the nineteenth century, this tradition has fueled the industrial production and large-scale marketing of greeting cards dedicated to this ricorrenza.La Greeting Card Association estimates that each year are dispatched, Feb. 14, about a billion tickets 'Greetings, a number that ranks second in this event, as the number of tickets purchased and shipped after Christmas.


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Messaggioda *Yole* » 9 nov 2011, 14:19

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